Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Quick Guide to Punctuation

A QUICK GUIDE TO PUNCTUATION Punctuation may seem like a small thing: After all, what’s so bad about one, teeny-tiny misplaced comma or the occasional wayward apostrophe? Nobody pays attention to   that stuff, right? Wrong. Bad punctuation – whether it’s in your web copy, your newsletter, or even in an email to a prospective client – is a credibility killer, plain and simple. In most cases, all it takes is a careful proofreading job to avoid common punctuation mistakes. Not sure when to use an apostrophe or where to place a comma? Read on for a quick guide to good punctuation: Plurals vs. Possessives This is one of the most common mistakes out there. A plural noun means â€Å"more than one† – in most cases, you add an â€Å"s† to the end of the word. For example: Most of my clients work in the oil and gas industry. In this sentence, we’re talking about more than one client. So, we add an â€Å"s†. A possessive noun shows ownership – you usually add an apostrophe and an â€Å"s†. For example: My client’s latest advertising campaign won an award. In this sentence, we’re talking about the advertising campaign that belongs to your client. So, it’s possessive. Commas Not sure if your sentence needs a comma? You’re not alone. Commas are often misplaced, misused, and downright abused by well-intentioned folks who just didn’t know any better. Here are a few guidelines for when – and how – to use commas correctly. In lists, commas help keep information separate. For example: She put butter, milk, pancakes, and eggs on the table. Without the commas to separate the items, we wouldn’t be sure if we had â€Å"buttermilk† or â€Å"buttermilk pancakes.† When using conjunctions, commas help prevent run-on sentences. For example: I went to the store, and then I went home. When you join two sentences (â€Å"I went to the store† and â€Å"I went home†), a comma helps keep your message clear. Keep in mind that if you’re not dealing with two complete sentences, you don’t need a comma. For example: Our products are great and affordable. You don’t need a comma because you’re not joining two complete thoughts (â€Å"Our products are great.† – complete sentence. â€Å"And affordable† – not a complete sentence). The next time you post a blog or update your web copy, do a quick punctuation check to make sure that you’re not sending the wrong message. And, just for fun, my â€Å"Bad Punctuation of the Week† award goes to my apartment complex, who recently posted this sign at the entrance of the parking lot: â€Å"TENANT’S PARKING ONLY† That lucky tenant. Wonder where the rest of us are supposed to park.

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